never saw a more obedient kid after that!
So we come now to the conclusions. I am con- vinced that the best thing we could do to straighten out our juvenile problems is to institute PETTICOAT PUNISHMENT and encourage boys to practice cross- dressing as much as possible. (I've been dying to write this sentence for a long time, but I've been scared of the subsequent storm it might create against your Contributing Editor. But, frankly, things have been too quiet lately and it'll be nice to provoke a storm, just to see what happens. I just bought a very pretty umbrella to protect myself).
So what's wrong with petticoat punishment? For one thing: the name, This is too old-fashioned. I'd call it "femme-punishment". This of course would apply to those boys who just hate the idea of wearing dainty things. Instead of the conventional forms of punishment, parents should have at hand, at all times, a nice girl's outfit for their boy. And just lay in wait, licking their chops. At the first act of disobedience, fresh manners, or bad grades: "wham!" dress as a girl a whole week-end! Go out and play? No indeed! A knitting session, followed by laundering, dish-washing, vacuuming the house, ironing and sewing. I might throw in a bit of practicing graceful walking and keeping the voice high pitched. Even better, have a nice feminine name all picked out for the kid. None of this "Johnny, or Freddy" business. As soon as we have him dolled up he must be addressed as Rosemary, Virginia or Susanna. See how he likes it. He'11 probably hate the whole business and we will achieve two possible results: a) he'll never be a TV. refuse to believe this bit about "getting to like dresses" after being violently against wearing them. That's fiction. You either feel an electric current which is heavenly the very first time or else you just hate the whole thing and will do anything to avoid being dressed up. This latter effect gives